Location: 43303 Schoenherr Rd.
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 PM
Dinner and Workshop for only $48.00
Bring a New Guest for Free!
Our workshops for 2023:
We are currently finalizing dates. Look back soon for all upcoming workshops.

How to Make 2023 YOUR BEST
Year Ever!
and Holiday Party
What would your future look like if you knew you would not fail?
What would you do?
Date: TBD
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Sterling Heights
Investment Cost:
* Early Bird Special: $18.00/Individual & $30.00/Couple (Good till TBD)
* Regular Price: $28.00/Individual & 50.00/Couple
Tickets include Holiday meal shared with friends
Maybe your 2023 challenge is a new job, an improved career, transforming your job or work setting. Perhaps your challenge is setting or fulfilling your business goals. Maybe your challenge is getting your finances in order.
What would your future look like if you knew you would not fail?
What would you do?
No matter what you’re planning for 2023, the “How to Make 2023 YOUR BEST Year Ever” workshop will help you create strategies for achieving success in the new year.
Join us and learn how to:
- Set yourself up for SUCCESS!
- Stop procrastinating and Start TAKING ACTION!
Join us on TBD and let Hena Husain Ph.D. guide you to create a mindset to make your 2023 YOUR BEST Year Ever!
Did you know that
- Fear of Success stops more people than the Fear of Failing?
- Thoughts create Emotions, Emotions then create Actions, and Actions then create Results?
Imagine what would happen if all your thoughts were positive about success? Where would you be then? My workshop will teach techniques to overcome that fear and other limiting blocks, teach youthe power of visualization, and explore the keys to success for 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!
We are currently finalizing dates. Look back soon for all upcoming workshops.

Be free of emotional barriers and achieve optimal health.
Date: To be AnnouncedIn this transformative 3-hour workshop, you will learn how to get rid of the negative emotions that hold you back. EFT is a powerful self-help method based on research which indicates that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease.EFT rapidly reduces the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself and accelerate healing.